Friday, March 30, 2012

nairboman's insights #1

At the beginning of the year, I decided it was time to try to actually make some money with something I have done creatively, which I think is one of the most noble ways to earn a living. We are all creative at something, because creativity is a part of our nature. Einstein famously said "Imagination is more important than knowledge". The multinational corporations would like to stifle much of our individualistic creativity and convince us that the lifestyle we lead should be based on a generic monotony of familial repetition. It's no accident that franchise fast food "restaurants" and convenience stores almost all look the same, wherever you happen to go. This is part of their coercion.

Small businesses are disappearing across the land and I, for one, am saddened by this development. It means that independent variety and creativity are slowly dying in the marketplace. Corporations depend on a numbing sameness that they might call Branding and while they may have a lot of creative people working for them, the ultimate goal for them is to make their shareholders happy, not their creative artists, and even less so their "hands on" workers.

Next month, I will try marketing my music more locally. So far, I am making good progress marketing on the internet. My facebook, twitter, soundcloud, youtube, reverbnation, and blog are all experiencing continual growth. But marketing my Electronic Music locally in a conservative midwestern small town like the one I live in(Moberly, Mo., about 14,000) may not be so easy, but then again I believe people are by nature open minded. It's just that our social and corporate culture tends to grind some down into having "boxed in" taste in art and music. I have the feeling it wasn't always this way. Did people from 75-100 years ago only like specific genres mostly or were they more open to variety? I wonder.

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